Isn’t it weird how driving can tire you??? Like you’re just sitting there, pressing a pedal - I’m sorry *2 pedals. If there’s traffic, forget it!! I just feel depleted after. Today is a different story tho…winter + snowstorm + potholes + traffic + downtown = LAWWDDDDDD. I was stressing the whole way through, so thats not even tiring, that’s EXHAUSTINGGGGG.
Why do we have to be “productive” so much?? Why can’t we pause life when terrible things happen like snowstorms? Well, obviously there’s more important crises happening all around the world, but still. Even for these crises, can’t we just stop, take a breath, and think about how to respond? Why do we have to be “on” all the time??
I have many questions.
I am tired.
Good night.
I’m actually not really going to bed, Imma go back to my “Truth or drink: spicy (lgbtq)….” YT video.
I was just so inspired by the video that I thought I’d leave with a truth…yaknow?