i did 2 loads today.
i hope my neighbours were ok
but then again, they’ve been having sex so loud I had to put an angry rap playlist playing full volume on my phone that I put directly on the ground. they didn’t continue for that long. hopefully they got the message.
today i was dreaming about a home. ahhh. it’d be great to have a home with a backyard. a big open kitchen. big windows.
i gotta reframe my thoughts and what i say because it’s energy that can contribute to manifesting what i want…so it WILL be amazing to have that home. let’s not worry about how to get there, and just get ready to receive and be there.
back to my laundry. is powder or liquid detergent better? i don’t know why, I just went with powder, even though i used to take the liquid when I was using my buildin'g’s laundry.
either way. smells good.