I’m always excited when the holidays hit, cuz I know it’ll be time to successfully hunt for some eggnog at the grocery store. My dad always used to get us some when I was a kid, although my mom would side eye him as it wasn’t “healthy”. Ok back to the present. You already know I have some in the fridge, ready for sips any time of the day, or night (oups!). Well here it is, it’s Tuesday, I’m avoiding my course readings, I mean…not really cuz I’m thirsty…for some eggnog. So I violently grab the carton from the fridge, open the spout, drop my head down with my throat ready to catch it, (too grown for a glass. I’m 30, remember?) and BAM. Everything. On. My. Shirt. I can’t believe after all these years of practice, I still can’t aim right. rolls eyes Where ma moufff at??????
where tho