I’m about to let you in on a secret. Hmm, too corny? Alright, I’ll try that again.
It’s 2022, and I didn’t have “new year, new me” goals. However, I found myself wanting to focus on letting things go and achieving self-control, #growth. I don’t wanna get all preachy and stuff, but I figured I could still share some tips! Cue “Things I wish People Told Me Before I Started My Journey” youtube video title. Corny, right? Here it is: 1)get dry scalp 2)wash your hair 3)moisturize your scalp 4)braid your hair in a hairstyle that will last at least a few weeks, and 5) - the most important - when it itches, don’t scratch. Just squeeze your eyes, clench your teeth and fists, and hold that position for however long you need. Self-control 101.
me to my scalp. or my scalp to me?